Car Insurance Increased? Time to get quotes

Every month that I see my car Insurance go through my bank account I really struggled to justify the cost which is what lead me to build this website. I just could not understand why the cost of car Insurance was so high, in my case it was close to 30% of the car...

Cheap Car Insurance

There is a common misconception in the market these days that cheap car insurance offers less cover. This stems from the numerous different car insurance available but does not mean that you will be sacrificing cover by opting to get cheap car insurance quotes. The...

Car Insurance Calculator

Calculating a car Insurance premium is a fairly complex calculation that takes a whole number of variables into consideration, each of which has a different weighting attached to it and the right combination of variables entered into the car insurance calculator has a...

Cheap Car Insurance in South Africa

Cheap Car Insurance no longer means that you will have to sacrifice on cover! Each Of the Car Insurance Companies in South Africa are competing furiously for market share and with a large percentage of cars on the road be uninsured as well as a growing number of...