If you have been looking for car Insurance you will have noticed the number of car Insurance Companies offering you the cheapest Car Insurance but who is really the cheapest?
Getting the best car insurance rate is pretty much up to you and how you deal the different Car Insurance Companies when requesting a quote. The very first thing to do is to request car insurance quotes from multiple insurance companies all at once by submitting one car insurance request form. This will immediately set the process in motion and your will start getting Car Insurance Quotes.
When you are contacted by the various companies, you must tell them upfront that you are looking for the cheapest car insurance with the most cover and that you are getting quotes from eight other car insurance companies. By telling the Insurance consultant up frontv that you are shopping around for competitive car insurance quotes and will be selecting the car insurer that provides the best cover for the cheapest premium, he is immediately aware that he needs to offer you the best Car insurance rate that they have available.
It is also a good idea to tell the Car Insurance Consultants that you are requesting from all of the other Insurance companies and want his best rate right now, there will not be any negotiation entered into. He will ask you a number of questions regarding the type of car insurance you want and manipulate the premium calculator by increasing the excesses for example. Have all of your facts ready like if there will be other drivers of the car, the amount of mileage you do, your last car insurance claim and of course if it was your fault or the other parties fault. This is a very important thing to have straight, a no claim bonus of five years or longer will significantly effect your premium and if you were not at fault and you have lost your car insurance no claim bonus, read the article, getting my no claim bonus back.
The reality of car insurance and Car Insurance companies is that they are businesses looking to increase the market share and at the same time deliver a good return to their shareholders. Car Insurers have a multitude of ways to lower premiums so don’t be afriad, there is plenty of margin in it for the Car Insurance companies, make sure you are getting the best car insurance rates available.
Start your car Insurance savings exercise and spend the savings on something you enjoy!