Getting Estimates on your car insurance is dependent on many factors of which the type of car you drive and the value of the car is are just two of the variables. We often get requests to give an estimate on car insurance for a vehicle type which is not possible to do without asking a few other Questions. What you can be assured of is receiving the most competitive car insurance estimates from South African Insurance Companies by using our service to request estimates.
The factors that will influence the estimates on your car insurance will be:
- The type of car you own: Certain cars are more prone to being stolen than others and are hence a higher risk to the Insurance companies.
- The value of your car: The value is a critical factor which further determines the amount of risk the Company will need to carry and is heavily weighted in the calculation of the estimated insurance premium.
- Your age: Drivers above the age of 25 years old are historically less liable to be involved in an accident and drivers under 25 years old will have their premium weighted accordingly.
- Years you have been driving: It stands to reason that the longer you have had your drivers license the more experienced you are and less likely to be involved in an accident.
These are the main factors that are used to determine an estimate car insurance premium and are subject to your car be inspected by an accredited inspection center. The inspection is used to determine the physical state of the car, check for any cracks or chips on the windscree or glass, check and verify the security systems in place in your car and generally give a report indicating that what you have told the consultant preparing your insurance estimate is correct.
When you are providing information to the consultant it is important to tell him anything that may influence your premium in your favour. For example, if you travel to work, do very little other driving during the week and your car is parked in a secure underground parking lot all day, this is very important to information to pass on to the insurance consultant. If your car is parked in a locked garage and you have a high wall with a strong gate, tell the consultant.
During the preparation of your car insurance estimate you have the chance to give as much information as possible to bring down the estimate.