best car insurance company in south africaWe often get asked what the best Car Insurance company in South Africa is and there quite frankly is no hard and fast rule. Each Insurance company offers premiums based on criteria that are unique and where one insurance company may offer the lowest rates to people insuring cars who are under 25 years old and onother Insurance company may offer the best rates to 40+ car owners.

In order to find the best Car Insurance Company in South Africa, the best thing to do is to get car insurance quotes from all of the nine major car insurers in South Africa, negotiate based on what they offer initially and then select the company that best suits you.

Specialist car insurers in South Africa like First for women have developed unique products for women which should be the cheapest car insurance for women but this is not the case for everyone and by the same token, people who drive less may not get the best rate from Hollard pay as you drive. Every individual situation is evaluated and a loading put against your premium dependent on your history, age, sex and driving experience. For example, if you have done a defensive driving course the best car insurance company in South Africa may not be what you expect, or if you are 0ver 40 years old but have been living abroad for a few years, the best car insurance can vary very significantly from insurer to insurer.

There is only one way to find the best car insurance company in South Africa for you and that is by requesting free insurance quotes from all of South Africa’s best Insurance companies and making the selection based on what is most important to you.

We are able to dramatically reduce the amount of time that needs to be spent searching for car Insurance by collecting your information only once and then giving all of the best insurance companies in South Africa the opportunity to present a quote for your car Insurance.

Give us the opportunity to Save you on your car insurance and find the best Car Insurance company in South Africa for your needs by completing the FREE quote request form.