The most effective and least time consuming method of getting competitive car insurance quote is is by using an online car insurance quotes website and has provided you with the ability of getting nine online car insurance quotes by submitting one form.

You will receive online car insurance quotes from nine of the following car insurance companies:

  1. Auto and General
  2. First for women
  3. Miway
  4. AA insurance
  5. Hippo
  6. Budget car insurance
  7. Woolworths
  8. Unity
  9. Momentum
  10. Dial Direct

Online car insurance quotes from car insurers in South Africa is a relatively new phenomenon which a lot of consumers are still unaware of. The ability to take advantage of the highly competitive online car insurance business has literally saved consumers millions of Rands in premiums for the simple reason that they chose to pit the car insurance companies against each other to get the cheapest car insurance quote online.

When we say that you will definitely save money by getting a car insurance quote online, we mean it, there are very few people, apart from those that have already reduced their car insurance premiums by comparing online car insurance quotes, that do not save a significant amount on their car insurance.

The best part of the entire process is that the car insurance quotes are completely FREE and you are under no obligation to accept any of the online car insurance quotes you receive. Many people we have helped, simply used the online car insurance quotes to approach their existing car insurer to re negotiate their car insurance premiums to great effect.

Car insurance, instead of getting more expensive as crime levels in South Africa are getting higher, are coming down. This is the very essence of competition at work with the car insurance companies reducing administration costs and being able to maintain their competitive edge by passing on the savings on administration and commissions to the consumer in the form of lower car insurance premiums.