There is only one way to find the cheapest car insurers and with the car insurers revolutionary quote system you are able to get nine car insurers to quote for your car insurance business by submitting one form online.
What will happen is that the car insurers will each provide a quote for your insurance needs and you can compare the offers and select the cheapest car insurer.
Are you prepared to spend a few minutes on the phone to find the cheapest car insurers? Of course you are when it means you could be saving as much as 35% on you payments.
Complete the form and you will instantly receive a text message confirming receipt of your inquiry and within a minute or two you will receive a telephone call requesting a few details from you in order to compile the quotes.
The nine car insurers will prepare the cheapest possible insurance quotes to try to win you away from your current insurer by offering the best possible insurance rate according to your request.
What you will need in order for the cheapest car insurers to prepare competitive quotes for you:
Your ID number
Your make, model and year of car
Current insurers name (if applicable)
Home Address details
Details of where the car is parked during the day and night
Any anti hijacking equipment installed be it manufacturer installed or otherwise
Usage of the car (personal or business)
From these details the car insurers develop a risk profile for you car based on a number of factors which include the area you live in, for example there are fewer vehicle thefts in Cape Town than Johannesburg. If your car is kept in a locked garage overnight as opposed to being parked on the street etc.
All of these details are very important in order to develop your quote and the cheapest car insurer will be yours for the picking. Adjust your quote by selecting a lower or higher excess or taking advantage of their pre arranged anti theft device installations if applicable.