Car insurance rates vary quite substantially from one car insurer to another but to ensure that the car insurance rates you receive are competitive you will need to use our online car insurance quotes to have the car insurers competing. This way you will be sure that the car insurance rates you receive are the lowest available in the market.

There are a number of factors which determine what car insurance rates you are offered and you must remember that car insurance is a business like any other that needs to be profitable. Car insurance rates will be dramatically lower if you make the car insurers aware that you are using a comparative car insurance rate system to get a number of different quotes for your car insurance to reduce your car insurance rates. makes it possible for you to compare car insurance rates from nine different car insurers and all the while making the car insurance companies aware that they need to provide you with the best car insurance rates as they are well aware that you are comparing car insurance quotes from numerous different car insurers.

Once you have submitted the request for car insurance quotes online, all of the participating car insurers calculate your car insurance rate with the knowledge that they need to be competitive. Each car insurance company has a team dedicated to providing car insurance quotes to online customers that have been hand picked to calculate car insurance rates that will beat their competitors.

There are a number of reasons why car insurance companies have elected to move a large portion of their business online, one of which is that they pay much lower commissions and in some cases pay a referral fee instead of a commission which is dramatically lower than the commissions they would pay to a broker. Another reason car insurance companies are able to offetr very competitive car insurance rates to online customers is that by using online car insurance quotes, the insurance companies are able to reduce the costs of administration and hence offer much better car insurance rates.

Take advantage of the competitive nature of the car insurance companies and secure your car insurance rates at a much lower premium by electing to receive online car insurance quotes. It could save you as much as 35% on your car insurance rates.