There are very good reasons to get Car Insurance quotes online, least of which is the amount of time it will save you getting competitive car insurance quotes.

When you elect to receive your car insurance quotes online, all you need to do is give the information about your car, your personal information, alarm etc and where your car is kept.

The important information to emphasize when you request insurance quotes are the following. These will ensure that you get the absolute cheapest insurance quotes.
car insurance quotes online

  1. Details of any anti theft devices like alarms, gearlocks, vehicle tracking systems (It will often make a difference if you already have an alarm and a tracking system, to get a gearlock as well)
  2. Emphasize the place your car is parked at night if it is behind a locked garage door which is behind a gate in a walled property with electric fencing and an alarm system. (The less likely it is to get stolen the better)
  3. If you are an office worker and drive to and from work only, (make a point of this as the less time you spend on the road the less likely you are to be involved in an accident).
  4. Weigh up the idea of taking out car hire in the case of a theft or accident. (Do you really need it) If the answer is yes, ask what the difference will be if you choose not to include it.
  5. When requesting your car insurance quotes online ask for the premium differences if you choose a voluntary additional excess. Most policies will be R2500 or 5% of the claim so ask what the premium will be if you accept R5000 as a voluntary excess.

Getting Car insurance quotes online allows you to compare the prices from nine different car insurance companies from a single source so don’t accept the first quote you are given, ask what the best deal is that they will offer and then ask again.

Are you paying too much for your car insurance? Find out in a few minutes by filling in the form below and we will call you back straight away.