While not everyone will save as much as Lyyn Williams by using online car insurance quotes to compare car insurance and save money, the average saving of our online car insurance quotes is 32%. Could you be saving as much as Lynn on your car insurance? Click the image of Lynn to find out.
There are many factors that influence the cost of your car insurance and each insurance company will use a slightly different weighting to these influencing factors. The factors that influence your car insurance quote most are:
Age: In general, if you are under 25 years old your car insurance premium will be weighted and the premium will be higher if you are under 25 years old. If you are older than 25 years old and have a very good driving record, meaning that you have not had a claim against your car insurance in recent years, the calculation of your car insurance will be weighted in your favour.
Car value: The lower the value the lower the premium stands to reason as the risk is less. This factor is taken into consideration along with all of the other factors that influence your car insurance premium calculation.
Type of car: Some cars are more vulnerable to being stolen or hijacked that others and the weighting of the type of car in your car insurance premium calculation will be a consideration.
Car insurance claim history: If you have not claimed for a number of years against your car insurance, the premium will be heavily weighted in your favour and of course the longer the no claim period the better for you. This indicates that you are a very careful and responsible driver which will weigh in your favour during the car insurance premium calculation.
These are the main factors that will influence your car insurance premium and you must be totally honest when asked for this information.